Would you like to be notified directly about service issues facing the town? Sign up for this service and you will be alerted directly when issues impacting the citizens of Murfreesboro happens. Complete the Request to Add Contact Form and return to the Town of Murfreesboro via email or USPS to complete registration of your telephone number. The form can be found here.
Hertford County handles Animal Control for the Town of Murfreesboro.
If you see an animal roaming or without its owner, contact the Murfreesboro Police Department at their non-emergency number (252) 398-4151.
Hertford County Animal Control is ran under the Hertford County Sheriff's Office and can be reached at (252) 358-7800.
Murfreesboro works with Hertford County Emergency Management Services in an event of a natural disaster. Hertford County Emergency Management Services are coordinated by:
Christopher E. Smith, Director
Hertford County Emergency Management
102 Industrial Park Road
Winton, NC 27986
252-358-7861 (office / EOC)
252-358-7899 (fax)
chris.smith@hertfordcountync.gov (email)
Hertford County Board of Elections handles all elections for the Town of Murfreesboro.
Hertford County Board of Elections can be contacted at:
700 N King Street
Winton, NC 27986
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 416
Winton, NC 27986
Phone: 252-358-7812
Fax: 252-358-7803
Office Hours
Monday through Friday
8:30 AM to 5 PM
North Carolina State Board of Elections
How do I register to vote?
North Carolina allows for residents to register and vote during the One Stop Absentee Voting time period. Learn how to register by visiting the State Board Elections website here.
Voter registration programs are actively conducted through many agencies in this State. If a person is applying for or receiving benefits from any of the participating agencies or programs, a voter registration transaction is available during the conduct of any business with that office. The following programs and agencies are currently participating in the agency voter registration program:
The driver's license examination offices, located throughout the State, have conducted a successful voter registration program since 1984. A person may complete a voter registration transaction at any driver's license examination office when conducting official DMV business with that office (applying for or renewing a driver's license, I.D. card, etc.).
North Carolina has made available mail-in voter registration forms through the county boards of elections offices. Those offices, in turn, have distributed the mail-in voter registration forms to numerous visible locations throughout the counties. This form is self-explanatory and can be easily completed. The completed forms should be mailed directly to the appropriate county board of elections. Contact the County Board of Elections office to receive a form in the mail.
Other options - Libraries and public high school
North Carolina has mail-in voter registration forms available through public libraries and high schools. These locations do not accept the forms for the county board of elections office. Forms may be obtained at these locations, completed, and mailed to the appropriate county board of elections office.
Qualifications to register to vote in North Carolina
To register to vote in this State, a person must sign a voter declaration attesting that:
Deadlines to Register to vote in North Carolina
The deadline to register to vote in this State is 25 days before the day of the election. Forms that are received by the county board of elections office or postmarked by the deadline are accepted as valid applications for the upcoming election. Also, agency and DMV voter registration transactions that are completed by the deadline are accepted as valid for the upcoming election. Applicants will be notified by the county board of elections of their precinct and polling place assignments. Individuals who miss the registration deadline, if qualified, may register in person and then vote at a one-stop voting site in the person’s county of residence during the one-stop absentee voting period, which begins the third Thursday before an election and goes through the last Saturday before an election.
Where do I vote?
All elections in Murfreesboro are held at the Murfree Center, located at 201 E. Broad St., Murfreesboro, North Carolina.
Who should I contact with further questions?
Hertford County Board of Elections can be contacted at:
700 N King Street
Winton, NC 27986
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 416
Winton, NC 27986
Phone: 252-358-7812
Fax: 252-358-7803
Office Hours
Monday through Friday
8:30 AM to 5 PM
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